Saturday, February 16, 2008

Robot to live dreams in the real world of illusions

We frequently enter in a state of trance as sleeping and most of our imaginations straight off slip out of our memory. any you do, recollect all the settings or even scan your brain, but sadly those faded dreams never revisit our psyche. Need not to be deserted over your lost dreams anymore, for a revolutionary association of Fernando Orellana and Brendan Burns has popped up with a pioneering robot (rather artwork) that will not only help reading human psyche but plays back all your vanished dreams as well. Just incredible! How it works? The brainwave activity and eye movements during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep of a person is recorded to be emulated by the robot through its behaviors and head positions. Robots are already an integral part of human life but the hot innovation has purely revitalized the human-robot relationships. Coleridge created ‘Kubla Khan’ (a poetic masterpiece based on a dream) even after some part of his dream went missing. Had he the luxury of brain mapping at that time, he would have surely loved to resolve and pen down the mysteries of the lyrical epic.